Latest Updates
So far, most donations to NOTDEC UK have come from private individuals or the small businesses they...
NOTDEC's nearest town - Kasese - has been hit by serious floods...
Life at NOTDEC has great highs, but also some very sad lows.
NOTDEC in Action: Saving lives - being there!
For over 30 years Dorothy Nzirambi and NOTDEC Uganda have been saving lives.
NOTDEC Uganda takes babies that no-one else will: abandoned babies, tots half starved, orphans dying for want of breast-feeding.
And we feed them.
But we don't stop there. NOTDEC Uganda is committed to loving and caring for unwanted babies and children - doing the very best for them, providing a home, educating them, nurturing their talents, and supporting them to become useful members of Ugandan society.
Being there is what counts.
Between the Mountains and the Lakes of Uganda

NOTDEC Uganda is in the rural SW of Uganda — near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
It lies on the Equator, on rolling plains south of the luxuriant Rwenzori Mountains and north of Lake Edward and Lake George.
Making it Happen
NOTDEC Uganda is the front line — caring for the kids. NOTDEC UK provides background support.
Our job is:
- making things happen — by encouraging, fundraising etc.
- getting it right — by advising, seeking advice, careful planning etc.
- checking things out — with regular visits to see that all is well.
All this to get the very best for our children.
Health Matters
Even in a small family, keeping kids healthy isn't always easy. In a family of 120 in rural Uganda, it's really tough.
That means mosquito nets, head-shaving, de-worming and more. Here, Milly & Samson are immunizing Robina against polio. Since then, a new nurse has joined the team. Game on!
Lives We've Helped Change
Many of the children at NOTDEC Uganda arrive in tragic circumstances.
Here are just two children picked at random. Choose one for the story behind the face.
Or see our case book face book for lots more.
(To protect the privacy of the children, we use arbitrary initials not names, and profiles end with their arrival at NOTDEC.)