Big Smile for 2021!

The grin belongs to Mark Peers one of NOTDEC UK's Trustees. What with COVID-19 lockdowns here AND in Uganda, you wouldn't think he's got much to smile about.
After the Plague and the Great Fire of London, John Dryden wrote his poem Annus Mirabilis calling 1666 a 'year of wonders'. Samuel Johnson said he'd meant that it was a wonder things weren't far far worse! Is that the story behind Mark's smile?
Well Mark is NOTDEC UK's Treasurer. Treasurers don't do poetry. So believe me, Mark's facial expression is not just "Annus Mirabilis" relief. I'd say it's more of a smirk!
Mark's Two Word Ditty
You see, Mark has come up with a poem – a Treasurer's poem!
It's just two words – almost a magic spell – calculated to bring a smile to any Treasurer's face. With it, anyone can send the charity money without it costing them a penny.
Sadly, Amazon has since taken the smile off all our faces - by closing Smile!
Just tap or click the orange image and shop at Amazon – then Amazon will donate 0.5% of your elegible spend to NOTDEC UK. The cost to you does not change. The donation comes from Amazon's back pocket. They won't pay it to you, only to a charity. Or let them keep it if you prefer.
So now, in Hard Times, if you buy a few Christmas presents, you can also donate to NOTDEC UK at no cost to yourself.
No wonder Mark is all smiles. It was his idea – providing a painless way to support the kids in Uganda.
Go on – make his day!
Mark Shaw