Milly Kyakimwa Nzirambi

Milly Kyakimwa Nzirambi was NOTDEC Uganda's Co-ordinator — the focus of the management team and effectively the first Director.  She oversaw the orphanage's running and played a key role in Trustees Meetings, in interviewing panels, and whenever NOTDEC Uganda needed to be represented in public.  After a period of illness. Milly's service at NOTDEC Uganda ended on 30th May 2017.

Milly is a trained teacher and the younger sister of NOTDEC Uganda’s founder Dorothy Nzirambi. She first began to help Dorothy with administrative support when Dorothy moved to Kasinga and was starting to look after larger numbers of babies and children. Her education and good spoken and written English were important when the child sponsorship scheme was under discussion.  Eventually, Milly gave up teaching to work full-time for "Dorothy’s Orphanage".

Milly and Dorothy shared a strong Christian faith, and this was a major influence shaping the values of NOTDEC Uganda.

Past:    Milly as Co-ordinator of NOTDEC Uganda