
Read the latest NOTDEC news below.  Or browse through one of the subject folders.

  • News article image
    6th April 2024


    Life at NOTDEC has great highs, but also some very sad lows.

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    24th October 2023


    Trustee Mark Shaw gives the low down on what's NEW at NOTDEC — New Well, New Director, three New Trustees, a planned Visit to NOTDEC, & even perhaps a wished for New Pickup!

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    23rd October 2023


    NOTDEC’S PICKUP IS "KNACKERED!" Bought new in May 2014, it’s been averaging 70 miles a day ever since!  It’s now done 230,000 miles –  on bone-shaking Ugandan roads!

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    5th July 2023

    WELL, WELL, WELL for NOTDEC's Tots!

    Janet Johnston explains why NOTDEC Uganda needs a well - and how you can help them get one.                                                                  

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    21st June 2023


    There will be an Information & Prayer Evening on Monday 26th June 2023 at 7:30 PM.                                           Visit this News item for the link.

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    5th June 2023

    NOTDEC in Pictures

    In late April – May 2023, three trustees and two volunteers visited NOTDEC Uganda.  See here what they saw.  And read what happened there.

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    13th February 2023

    Changing Lives

    Pondering recent achievements, current challenges, and future opportunities, Trustee Janet Johnston puts NOTDEC in a nutshell.   Read her Newsletter for the essence of NOTDEC now...

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    12th June 2022


    Now home from NOTDEC Uganda,  Jonathan Tidd & Mark Wardle report back.  Read what they did, and saw – and what they thought about it all!

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    7th March 2022

    PRAYERS FOR NOTDEC - and music too

    Latterly, NOTDEC has seen some very difficult times.    Please pray for them - and for a brigher future.     AND – there's music too!

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    23rd June 2021

    It Never Rains...

    Joshua is four.  And he ’s not happy.

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    29th November 2020

    Big Smile for 2021!

    The grin belongs to Mark Peers one of NOTDEC UK's Trustees. Fellow Trustee Mark Shaw explains why we should ALL be smiling!

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    11th November 2020

    Ugandan Thoughts from UK

    COVID-19 means UK Trustees can't deliver Christmas presents to NODEC kids in January 2021.  Janet Johnston & other Trustees reflect on 2020 and on the year to come.

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    21st April 2020

    COVID Chronicles II: The Appeal

    By mid April 2020, due to COVID-19 many families of NOTDEC children were in serious difficulties.

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    2nd April 2020

    COVID Chronicles I: Lockdown Uganda

    Information email sent by Janet Johnston to all supporters during the COVID lockdowns in the UK and Uganda.

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    18th March 2020

    In At The Deep End!

    In January 2020, volunteers Averil & Graham Ballinger visited NOTDEC - their first time in Uganda. Here they tell it as they found it.  

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    30th October 2019

    Something Sensational to Read on the Train?

    Now back at home, Janet Johnston reflects on the Trustees' visit to NOTDEC in September 2019.

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    6th April 2019

    Loving & Giving

    In January 2019, a team of six spent 3 weeks at NOTDEC. First-timer Leila Clare shares her thought about it all.

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    5th October 2018

    Moving On

    Janet Jonston describes monmentous changes at NOTDEC Uganda.

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    1st March 2018

    Meeting Rhona: my trip to NOTDEC Uganda 2018

    On her gap year before University, Becky Tidd is one of the youngest volunteers ever to visit NOTDEC Uganda.  Read her report here.

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    20th July 2017

    New Faces – Same Mission

    Gordon Macdonald describes the induction of NOTDEC Uganda's new Director, Moses and Accountant Annah — and some of NOTDEC's day-to-day work..
