Paschal (2015)


Paschal is NOTDEC Uganda's book-keeper.

And, to be strictly accurate, he isn't a silver surfer, nor likely to be one — even though he's in the right age group!  

NOTDEC Uganda's internet service — if it can be called that — is not broadband; it is via a very slow and unreliable 3G mobile phone connection.  So internet usage at NOTDEC Uganda is minimal.

But though Paschal seldom goes on-line, he's tapping away on computer for hours entering accounts information — particularly details of purchases and the related expenditure.  The accounts package that he uses — EasyAccounts — was specifically designed for NOTDEC Uganda by Greg & Heather Jackman; and though far less flexible than Sage, it does exactly what is required to get things right first time.  And Paschal is the expert.

Yet, three years ago, he had never even switched on a computer.  Here in Britain, lots of toddlers have picked up the computer that quickly — some even faster — but very few in Paschal's age group. [Age withheld on political correctness grounds!]

That's Paschal: always willing to "have a go" — and generally with a nice smile too!
