NOTDEC Followers' Page


By reaching this page, you've qualified to enter your name on the NOTDEC Followers' Page.

Just make a donation of at least £1 below, giving your name.  And in a few days, it will appear here.  Or, choose anonymity, and it won't!

Make a donation using Virgin Money Giving


Why not also try the NOTDEC Orphans Scrabble Challenge below?  Then include your total score, your words and their scores in the Message with your donation.

In due course, the names and scores of the top 10 entries will appear on this Page

Don't worry!  Each rack of letters includes a blank tile which you can use for any letter you like — you just get no points for that one letter.

NOTDEC Orphans Scrabble Challenge

You have 2 turns taken in whichever order you like.

Any tiles not used in a turn cannot be used later.

The Challenge: how many points can you score in total — adding your 2 turns together?

Hint: position your first word such that your second word can extend onto a red square labelled "triple word score".  That second word's score will then be trebled.

Note: If you use all 7 letters from the rack, you get an extra 50 bonus points for that turn.

Query: Is "NOTDECS" allowed?  Some say No — NOTDEC is unique!  Others say that NOTDEC UK and Uganda make two "NOTDECS".  Use it if it gets you a higher score.

Scrabble Challenge TOP 10

156  Freda Bloggs
148  Joseph Soap
118  N O'Good
116  Nosmo King
101  B B See
  97  Arthur See
  86  R Stiltskin
  73  Tim Tiny
  69  Gladys Day
  53  Vesta Curry

NOTDEC Followers

Alice Through
Freda Bloggs
Algernon Bunbury
Vesta Curry
Gladys Day
N O'Good
Nosmo King
Andrew von Pandy
Arthur See
B B See
Joseph Soap
R Stiltskin
Tim Tiny