Who's our figure-skating whizz?

Gerald Kirk 2015 Quiz Profile

You don’t need a full-length photo of Gerald to realize that, in real life at least, figure-skating isn’t his forte.

But anyone can dream …

NOTDEC UK's finances must be managed accurately, efficiently and with complete integrity. If submissions aren’t made accurately and on time, HMRC Gift Aid payments may be delayed.  And Heaven forbid that NOTDEC UK should miss the Charity Commission deadlines for the filing of accounts and so incur black marks for compliance on the Commission website.  For NOTDEC UK, therefore, Gerald is a whizz with figures — avoiding any suspicion of thin ice to remain completely upright at all times, and jumping through accounting hoops galore to deliver the compulsory figures for both HMRC and the Charity Commission.  It's less axels and salchows than Excel spreadsheets, but it is essential to NOTDEC UK’s operation, to making payments on time, and so to keeping NOTDEC Uganda firmly on its feet. 

For 25 years, Gerald ran two care home with 110 staff and a turnover of £1.5M.  Though not a trained accountant, he has a very clear understanding of the practicalities of financing and providing residential care cost-effectively.  Gerald is also a life-long Christian, a former police officer, a local Magistrate for 22 years, and a Rotarian for the last 30 years, including a spell as treasurer.  With his wife Suzanne, he sponsors two children — Sandra and Barbra — and has a good appreciation of the realities of life at NOTDEC Uganda since they visited there twice some years ago. 

Whether he also has fond memories of Torvill and Dean, is a different matter.
