Daily Life

Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about NOTDEC Uganda.  

General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that ... not  at  NOTDEC.  At NOTDEC, it seems to me that love is everywhere.   

Often it's not particularly dignified or news-worthy, but it's always there — children sharing the few things they have,  boys carrying bags,  girls helping with the babies,  a 5-year old comforting a tiny tot,  up-streched arms,  out-streched hands,  smiling faces,  and — behind it all — caring adults with very little who have given everything for children with nothing.


If you look here, you'll find that love actually is all around.


Galleries of Daily Life

View our galleries - or picture books - of daily life below.

Hanging Out the Washing on the NOTDEC Line

70+ kids and 20+ staff on site mean lots of chores.

Select to see "jobs for life".





Chilling Out?

Well cooling off after the heat of the day.

Select for bedtime — and more.





Three "Full Ugandans"?

Breakfast outside is cooler. The mugs hold maize porridge — every day!

Select for NOTDEC noshing!




Making It Up As They Go Along

Improvised toys really are a NOTDEC Uganda speciality.

Select for fun & games.