Saving Lives
Babies, Babies, Babies ...
Without NOTDEC Uganda, most of these babies would be dead.
And so would countless more kids — once just like them — kids that NOTDEC Uganda now sends to school.
NOTDEC children are the orphans that nobody else will or can look after: motherless newborns, skeletons rescued from starvation, babies abandoned on a rubbish tip or at the roadside.
Lives Hanging on a Thread
In rural Uganda, many mothers still die in childbirth, or of AIDS, malaria, etc. The result is lots of tots with no mother to feed and care for them. Fathers are at their wits end. They can't breastfeed; they can't afford baby milk powder; they can't even earn a living AND look after kids.
Sometimes the wider family tries to help: but, unless someone will act as a wet-nurse, they can't guarantee the child's well-being. Knowledge of nutrition and childcare is limited and hygiene standards are poor. So the risks of malnutrition and severe diarrhoea & vomiting are very high.
Admission to Kagando Hospital can be a life saver; and NOTDEC Uganda doesn't hesitate to send children there if necessary. The photos show a NOTDEC baby on a drip and being bottle-fed.
But babies can't stay in hospital indefinitely. They need care for life ...
Call NOTDEC Uganda
Newborn babies need bottle-feeding, nappy-changing, bathing, and love.
It's not rocket science. But it does call for long-term commitment, attention to detail and cash — oh and love.
Mike's labour of love is fitting mosquito nets.
Sadly, such attention to detail doesn't have quite the same "eye-appeal" as babies.
But it does save lives!
If you too would like to help save a life, please make a donation.
Or make a longer term commitment by sponsoring a child.
You won't regret it.