If it was all easy — all somehow sorted — if dealing with the surge of orphans in sub-Saharan Africa really was a piece of cake, we might imagine that we’d done it, that all is right with the world and we don’t need God, perhaps even that there is no God. As it is, we know that we haven’t done it, that we don’t have the answers — any of them — and we can only pray for His help in finding a way forward.
Prayer Points:
- Elephants — NOTDEC Uganda could be invaded by a herd of 3-ton trucks at any time!
- Road Access — prayer answered! NOTDEC Uganda now borders a main road.
- Baby Boom — more starving & unwanted babies than we can feed and care for.
- "Repatriation" — resettling kids with their wider family IS better for them, but ...
- Education & Upbringing — schooling & nurture isn't easy, or cheap!
- Sourcing Stuff — second-hand imports, or local products for local jobs?
- Water — NOTDEC Uganda's site is dry: not ideal for a big orphanage!
- Health — pray for the children’s health, and how we can improve it.
- The Farm — NOTDEC Uganda’s bread basket, a cash cow, or a distraction?
See below for more ...